ExpoTalks #9. Event Industry Content: Trends, Tactics and Tips

ExpoTalks #9. Event Industry Content: Trends, Tactics and Tips

In this episode we talked with Adam Parry, co-founder of Event Industry News and organizer of Event Tech Live London.We discussed creating content in the events industry.

Here are some key takeaways from this webinar:
✔️ LinkedIn. Forget about the company's page. Use your team as advocates for your brand.
✔️ Go all-in on video.
✔️ Make a well-curated newsletter with content that helps the industry, not about your brand.
✔️ Want to make people return to your show every year?Always find new companies or companies that introduce new features. Pay attention to those who suggested the solution lot the challenge they or the industry really had.
✔️ Conference Program. Ask for video or other references of speaking at other events to ensure the speaker knows the subject.
✔️ Not having clear navigation at large events is a big no-no.

There was a lot more insights about content and event tech every trade show should have, make sure you watched the full episode on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify.